The hospital has been in operation for 26 years, and its extensive track record is proof of its trustworthiness.The hospital has been in operation for 26 years, and its extensive track record is proof of its trustworthiness.
All staff members are cheerful, energetic, and courteous.All staff members are cheerful, energetic, and courteous.
We sincerely deal with patients with advanced technological expertise and knowledge.We sincerely deal with patients with advanced technological expertise and knowledge.
Please feel free to consult with us.Please feel free to consult with us.

About Us

18 doctors on staff providing specialized medical care. 

Each doctor utilizes their expertise to offer tailored medical services. Female doctors are also on staff.

Proposals tailored to the needs and concerns of our patients.

We prioritize patient understanding and consent above all else, valuing trust to ensure they approach treatment with confidence and reassurance.

In Shiga and Kyoto, conveniently located for our patients.

Both clinics are conveniently located within a 1-minute walk from train stations, allowing you to visit without the need for umbrellas on rainy days. You can choose either Shiga or Kyoto based on your convenience.

Hospital director Onishi Masaru

Onishi Dermatology and Skin Surgery Clinic
Hospital director

Onishi Masaru

Our clinic was established in 1997 in my hometown of Shiga with the aim of providing state-of-the-art cosmetic and reconstructive medical care.
We now offer a wide range of treatments, from treating birthmarks from infancy to skin beautification and cosmetic surgery.

We are committed to providing highly effective treatments, and even though we use the same equipment as other clinics, we make efforts to adjust factors such as range and output to achieve the best results.
You may find solutions at our clinic for issues that have not been resolved despite consultations at other clinics.

Areas that can be treated

  • Face

    • 目元

      Eye area

    • 鼻


    • 口元

      Mouth area

    • 舌


    • アゴ


    • 耳


    • しわ・たるみ


    • 小顔・フェイスライン・アゴ下

      Small face/face line/jawline/neck

    • メディカルアートメイク

      Medical art makeup


    • ニキビ・ニキビ跡

      Acne/acne scars

    • 肝斑・シミ・くすみ・そばかす・美白(美肌)

      Liver spots/sunspots/
      skin whitening

    • 毛穴の開き・黒ずみ

      Enlarged pores/blackheads

    • ほくろ


    • いぼ・その他の皮膚腫瘍

      Warts/other skin tumors

    • あざ治療

      Bruise treatment (laser therapy)

    • 酒さ・赤ら顔・毛細血管拡張症

      spider veins

    • 医療脱毛

      Medical hair removal


    • ワキガ・多汗症・手足多汗症

      ody odor (axillary osmidrosis), Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), Hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet

    • メディカルダイエット・部分やせ

      Medical dieting, Spot reduction

    • 刺青・タトゥー・アートメイク除去

      Embroidery/tattoo/art makeup removal

    • でべそ・へそ形成

      Outie/umbilical cord formation

    • ケロイド・傷あと修正

      Keloid/scarring correction

    • 下肢静脈瘤

      Varicose veins of the lower limbs

    • 巻き爪・陥入爪・爪矯正

      Ingrown toenails, Nail correction


    • 薄毛治療(AGA)

      Hair loss treatment

    • ED

      Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

    • 男性器形成

      Male genitalia reconstruction

    • 女性化乳房

      Feminization breast augmentation

    • メンズ脱毛

      Men's hair removal

    • 男性更年期障害(LOH症候群)

      Male menopause symptoms

    • 乳頭・乳輪

      Nipples and areolas


    • 豊胸・バスト

      Breast augmentation

    • 豊尻術・ヒップアップ

      Butt augmentation/lift

    • 女性器形成

      Female genitalia reconstruction

    • 薄毛治療(FAGA)

      Hair loss treatment (FAGA)

    • 陰部の黒ずみ

      Darkening of the genital area

    Skin regeneration medicine

    • 皮膚再生医療(PRP療法)

      Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy

    • 皮膚再生医療(エクソソーム)

      Exosome therapy


    • まつ毛美容液

      Eyelash serum

    • ピアス・ボディピアス・ピアス後トラブル

      Piercing (including body piercing and post-piercing issues)

    • 美容点滴・注射・オゾンクレンジング療法

      Beauty drip, injections, ozone cleansing therapy

    • プラセンタ療法

      Placenta therapy

    • 飲む日焼け対策

      Sun screen pills

    • VTRAC(ヴィトラック)

      VTRAC (Vitrac)

    • 麻酔


    • マイクロCTC検査

      Micro CTC examination

    Medical esthetic treatments

    • メディカルエステ

      Medical esthetic treatments

    • ブライダルエステ

      Bridal esthetic treatments

Hospital information

  • Onishi Dermatology and Skin Surgery Clinic
    Otsu Ishiyama clinic more

    ■Consultation hours
    09:30〜17:30(Until Saturday 16:30)
    ※Phone calls accepted until 16:00 on Saturdays
    ※13:00-14:00 is out of service hours.
    ※Closed on Thursdays, Sundays, and holidays.
    ※It is a complete reservation system.

    ■Medical subject
    Dermatology,Plastic Surgery,Cosmetic Dermatology,Cosmetic Surgery
    3F, Omi Railway Building in front of JR Ishiyama Station, 4-7 Awazu-cho, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture
    ■Nearest station
    ・1-minute walk-by JR Ishiyama Station


    Consultation hours

    Email reservation


    Onishi Skin Clinic
    Kyoto Shijo Karasuma clinic more

    ■Consultation hours
    09:30〜17:30(Until Saturday 16:30)
    ※Phone calls accepted until 16:00 on Saturdays
    ※Closed on Sundays and holidays.
    ※It is a complete reservation system.
    ※No insurance medical treatment

    ■Medical subject
    Cosmetic Dermatology,Cosmetic Surgery
    31 Nagatohoko-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Prefecture Shijo Beyond Building 5F
    ■Nearest station
    1-minute walk from Karasuma Station on the Hankyu Line and Shijo Station via Subway Karasuma Line


    Consultation hours

    Email reservation

    Onishi Beauty Skin Clinic
    Kyoto Kawaramachi clinic more

    ■Consultation hours
    10:00〜17:30(Until Saturday 16:30)
    ※Phone calls accepted until 16:00 on Saturdays
    ※Closed on Thursdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
    ※It is a complete reservation system.
    ※No insurance medical treatment

    ■Medical subject
    Cosmetic dermatology
    Kawaramachi Kuramoto Building 3F, 384 Yoneyamachi, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
    ■Nearest stations
    ・1-minute walk from Hankyu Kyoto Line Kyoto Kawaramachi station
    ・4-minute walk from Keihan Gion Shijo station


    Consultation hours

    Email reservation

Hospital Access

  • Onishi Dermatology and Skin Surgery Clinic Otsu Ishiyama clinic

    ◼︎ Address


    3F, Omi Railway Building in front of JR Ishiyama Station, 4-7 Awazu-cho, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture

    ◼︎ Nearest station

    • 1-minute walk-by JR Ishiyama Station

    Onishi Skin Clinic Kyoto Shijo Karasuma clinic

    ◼︎ Address


    31 Nagatohoko-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Prefecture Shijo Beyond Building 5F

    ◼︎ Nearest station

    1-minute walk from Karasuma Station on the Hankyu Line and Shijo Station via Subway

    Onishi Beauty Skin Clinic Kyoto Kawaramachi clinic

    ◼︎ Address


    Kawaramachi Kuramoto Building 3F, 384 Yoneyamachi, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture

    ◼︎ Nearest station

    • 1-minute walk from Hankyu Kyoto Line Kyoto Kawaramachi station

    • 4-minute walk from Keihan Gion Shijo station

Hospital information

Onishi Dermatology and Skin Surgery Clinic
Otsu Ishiyama clinic more

■Consultation hours
09:30〜17:30(Until Saturday 16:30)
※Phone calls accepted until 16:00 on Saturdays
※13:00-14:00 is out of service hours.
※Closed on Thursdays, Sundays, and holidays.
※It is a complete reservation system.

■Medical subject
Dermatology,Plastic Surgery,Cosmetic Dermatology,Cosmetic Surgery
3F, Omi Railway Building in front of JR Ishiyama Station, 4-7 Awazu-cho, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture
■Nearest station
・1-minute walk-by JR Ishiyama Station


Consultation hours

Email reservation


Onishi Skin Clinic
Kyoto Shijo Karasuma clinic more

■Consultation hours
09:30〜17:30(Until Saturday 16:30)
※Phone calls accepted until 16:00 on Saturdays
※Closed on Sundays and holidays.
※It is a complete reservation system.
※No insurance medical treatment

■Medical subject
Cosmetic Dermatology,Cosmetic Surgery
31 Nagatohoko-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Prefecture Shijo Beyond Building 5F
■Nearest station
1-minute walk from Karasuma Station on the Hankyu Line and Shijo Station via Subway Karasuma Line MAP>>

Consultation hours

Email reservation

Onishi Beauty Skin Clinic
Kyoto Kawaramachi clinic more

■Consultation hours
10:00〜17:30(Until Saturday 16:30)
※Phone calls accepted until 16:00 on Saturdays
※Closed on Tuesday, Thursdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
※It is a complete reservation system.
※No insurance medical treatment

■Medical subject
Cosmetic dermatology
Kawaramachi Kuramoto Building 3F, 384 Yoneyamachi, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
■Nearest stations
・1-minute walk from Hankyu Kyoto Line Kyoto Kawaramachi station
・4-minute walk from Keihan Gion Shijo station

Consultation hours

Email reservation

Official SNS